Start Where You Are…

Life can feel overwhelming. So many of us try to juggle so many things, sometimes more successfully than others. It is often difficult to just slow down and take a breath. Love your calm was developed from the realization that we all need to take the time to create some calm for ourselves in the midst of the chaos.

 As the founder of Love Your Calm, I have found the best way to do this is to start slow and build a consistent routine. I get it. Managing everything can feel like a lot. Finding the energy to do one more thing may feel impossible.

 When meditation was first suggested to me, even the idea of it sounded overwhelming. I was trying to manage a career, a family, and had recently been diagnosed with POTS, a chronic health condition that affected my daily functioning. So I made a commitment to myself. To start small but be consistent. And this consistency made all the difference. Was everyday perfect? No. But I felt more capable of managing every day.

I want to share the difference that building a consistent routine can make. Combining, short beginner mediations with other consistent self-care practices can help you create a calm space for yourself that you look forward to each day. You may not even realize how much you needed this breath, this space until you take it. It is my hope that I can help you remember how important it is for you to love your calm.

If you are feeling called to embark on your own journey of personal growth and self-discovery, I invite you to reach out. Let’s explore how we can work together to create an individualized plan that nurtures your unique needs and circumstances. Let’s work together to help you create the more balanced life you have been seeking.